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INT07 - Ministries for Asia-Pacific Rural Evangelist Adoption Programme: Partnership Reports

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Report Date: April 30, 2024

REAP Sabah, Malaysia Evangelists Report for July - December 2023

Dear partners in the harvest,

Greetings and a New Year of more blessings for you, your family, your church and ministry. We thank God for your faithful support and prayers for REAP Sabah evangelists.

The combined labour of 41 REAP Sabah evangelists yielded:
- over 74,600 evangelised,
- over 16,221 conversions to Christ,
- over 5,877 baptised,
- 149 rural churches planted, and
- 7,200 Bibles sent to the new converts.     

We give the glory to God and thank you for partnership in the gospel. (2 Cor. 9: 6; Is. 55: 11)              


JK is a 54-year-old married man with four children. 

Ministry report Jul - Dec 2023
Number of tracts distributed - (verbal evangelism)
Number of people evangelised - 20
Number of conversions - 15
Number of people baptised - 0
Number of churches established - 1

Prayer Requests
Pray for:
1) Those that have heard the gospel will repent and come to saving knowledge of Christ in God's time. 
2) The PMM to continue to grow in their faith in Jesus. They will not fall back on their old belief and be swayed by the other faith. 
3) My family, that they will have the patience and perseverance in the ministry that they are in.
4) Protection, safety and provisions for me and my family. 
5) My four children to remain faithful in their faith and service to the Lord. 

2023 was not a good year for me. I faced many challenges and obstacles in my family and ministry work. I thank God, even though it was a tough year, God helped me to overcome all the challenges by my perseverance and patience. Even though some challenges were very tough for me to crack but by God's grace I was able to overcome. To God be the glory and praise. Amen!



JA is a 40-year-old man who is married with five children. 

Ministry report Jul - Dec 2023
Number of tracts distributed - (verbal evangelism)
Number of people evangelised - 17
Number of conversions - 6
Number of people baptised - 3

Prayer Requests
Pray for:
1) My family to be enthusiastic and to be full of wisdom in the work that God has given them.
2) Faithfulness and trust in God for all my family members. 
3) That souls who have trusted God will continue to have a longing to know Him, His Word and be steadfast in God. 
4) Me, that I will be able to share the gospel to the unbelievers in the way that God wants me to do. 
5) God to lead me to the people that He wants his gospel to be shared. 

Praise God for His goodness, even though our evangelism work is limited but His power is very evident in my ministry. With the influx of the other faith evangelising with monetary and other benefits, we in Sabah are finding it is quite difficult to reach out. A lot of them are asking whether we are giving the benefits that the other faith is doling out. Every time this question was asked, we respond by saying that God is God and we do not need to give out benefits to accept Him. We told them that we are not forcing them to accept Christ or give them monetary aids to buy it. We usually do not entertain such people but just walk away after our sharing. We know and trust that God in His time will save those that He wants. To God be the glory!



PB is a 35-year-old male who is married and has four children. 

Ministry report July - Dec 2023
Number of tracts distributed - 
Number of people evangelised - 35
Number of conversions - 9
Number of people baptised - 9

Prayer Requests
Pray for:
1) God will give me strength and courage to continue preaching the gospel.
2) The youth will have the courage to share and get involved in the different ministries in the church. 
3) All members in the church to be united in the sharing of the gospel to their families and friends. 
4) Protection and travelling mercies for all of us who have to travel by uneven terrain and boat. 
5) God's wisdom and strength for me and my family. 

Praise God because of the work of the Holy Spirit there are nine people who are ready to attend the baptism class and also the ICM discipleship class. Please support us in your prayers that these new souls will grow deeper in God's Word. 

Thank you for your practical support. 



RG is a 31-year-old man who is married with one child. 

Ministry report July - Dec 2023
Number of tracts distributed - (verbal evangelism)
Number of people evangelised - 12
Number of conversions - 12
Number of people baptised - 2

Prayer Requests
Pray for:
1) New believers to be faithful to Jesus and trust in Him. They will cast away all their idols and talisman and will not go back to their old beliefs. 
2) New and old believers will not be influenced by the other faiths due to the many benefits that they will get if converted. God to protect them from these people. 
3) I am thankful to God in helping me to overcome all the challenges I had in my ministry in 2023. 
4) A revival will sweep through the whole of East Malaysia. People of other faiths will also come to know Jesus. 
5) Me and the congregation, that we will seek the Lord fervently and His Word every day. 

Shalom, I am grateful to God for His presence with me every minute of the day. It is quite challenging to share the gospel in Sabah nowadays because the other faiths are also sharing their faith and giving out many benefits which the people need. However, I am grateful that He has been good to me, for I was able to bring some souls into God's kingdom in these trying times. So far, two out of 12 people who accepted Christ Jesus have gone through water baptism. Please pray with us that the remaining 10 will also go through water baptism and will be living testimonies for God's glory. Thank you and God bless. 



RTWK is a 28-year-old male who is married. (RTWK finished as a REAP evangelist in January 2024)

Ministry report July - Dec 2023
Number of tracts distributed - (verbal evangelism)
Number of people evangelised - 35
Number of conversions - 3
Number of people baptised - 3

Prayer Requests
Pray for:
1) The church will grow in a healthy way and will be the 'light and salt' for God. 
2) People who are chasing the world in a worldly manner to come to their senses that God should be in the centre. 
3) Me and my wife to have the strength, patience and obedience in our ministry work. In everything submit it to God before moving on. 
4) Cost of living and transportation are on the increasing trend but no change to our income. Pray for God's provision for all evangelists. 
5) Me and my family, that we will stay motivated and on fire for God in all circumstances. 
6) Members of our church will not fall prey by the sweet talks of people from other faiths but stay steadfast in the Lord Jesus.