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INT07 - Ministries for Asia-Pacific Rural Evangelist Adoption Programme: Partnership Reports

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Report Date: October 22, 2020

REAP Sarawak Evangelists Report for July 2019 - June 2020

Shalom and greetings in Jesus' name. I trust God's protection and gracious provisions are your experience in these challenging times. 

We pray that Malaysia will recover soon from COVID-19 and move on to normality. Thank you for supporting the work of REAP Sarawak. The combined efforts of 80 REAP Sarawak evangelists saw:
- over 158,000 evangelised verbally
- over 50,000 gospel tracts distribute
- over 42,000 conversions to Christ
- over 16,800 baptised
- over 4,300 bibles given to new believers, and
- 390 new rural churches planted

Praise be to God for the increased harvest and thank you for your support and prayers. Thank you for practical fellowship in matters that matter for eternity. Below are reports from your evangelists for your prayers and thanksgiving.   



DM is a 41 year old male who is married with three children. 

Ministry report July 2019 - June 2020
Number of tracts distributed - 0 (verbal sharing of the gospel)
Number of people evangelised - 1101
Number of conversions - 167
Number of people baptised - 21

Prayer Requests
Pray for:
1) The longhouses that have been recently evangelised to. Many face resistance.
2) The KD area where 80% are Muslims. For the Lord to break the stronghold and shine His gospel through. 
3) The PKP order to be relaxed so that seniors and young children can join in worship meetings. 
4) Our plans to buy the house next to the church for expansion of the church. 
5) Us as a family as we serve, to be given wisdom and strength from the Lord. 

There was a lady suffering from lung disease and often asked to be prayed for. One night after 1am we received a call from the husband asking us to go over to their place. The woman was talking in her sleep and behaving very oddly. She was praying for 'many people' in the house, many of whom were dead souls! She was trying in vain to 'chase them out'. We began praying for Jesus' blood to cover the household. Soon the house became peaceful and warm again. It had initially turned very cold. 'The people' were gone and the lady could sleep in peace, like a baby. The lady is now healed from her illness. Praise God. 



JM is a 58 year old man who is married with five children.

Ministry report July 2019 - June 2020
Number of tracts distributed - 0 (verbal sharing of the gospel)
Number of people evangelised - 330
Number of conversions - 91
Number of people baptised - 39

Prayer Requests
Pray for:
1) Those who have accepted the Lord and are joining our discipleship class to grow and flourish in their faith
2) Our boarding school students who have returned to diligently study God's word
3) Sustenance of health as I organise retreats and programs for students
4) Our young people who are believers to be a shining testimony to their families
5) God to preserve my family to serve Him more joyfully

Praise God for three young hearts who availed themselves to be God's full-time servants although they are still studying now. May God bless their desires and work it according to His plan. 

There is also a testimony from a parent that the child no longer smokes, nor drinks and his character has just transformed. Praise God for the work he is going among the youth. 



ML is a 35 year old female who is married with four children. 

Ministry report July 2019 - June 2020
Number of tracts distributed - 0 (verbal sharing of the gospel)
Number of people evangelised - 6,759
Number of conversions - 100
Number of people baptised - 24

Prayer Requests
Pray for:
1) The ministries we are having in these Malay kampungs, that no complaints will be made
2) God's sustenance as my health is weakened due to diabetes
3) God's word to take deep root in the hearts of new believers even as 'weeds' grow amidst their young spiritual lives
4) My family - husband, kids and grandkids - to be protected from the coronavirus that is currently rapidly spreading 

There was a lady who had stage 4 brain cancer and was given three weeks to live, or at the most two months, by the doctor. But praise be to our God, she was healed miraculously and lives to this day. She is a testimony to our living God.



EA is a 34 year old man who is married with three children.  

Ministry report July 2019 - June 2020
Number of tracts distributed - 0 (verbal sharing of the gospel)
Number of people evangelised - 122
Number of conversions - 44
Number of people baptised - 5
Churches planted - 1

Prayer Requests
Pray for:
1) Every new cell group leader to be on fire and remain strong in the Lord
2) Wisdom in the leaders to handle the needs arising in their cell groups
3) The strongholds on ancestral worship and traditions to be broken, so hearts may approach God freely
4) Protection for the people and patience in bearing with COVID-19 lockdown
5) The in-filling of the Holy Spirit on the new believers that they may be empowered and grow in their faith

Praise God for the healings that He did when we prayed for some who were sick. 

Praise God for transforming the heart of a man who previously practiced black magic but now surrenders his life to God. 

Thank God for His protection on us as we preached to those who tried to stop and attack us.