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INT02 - Sowers International - AFRICA : Partnership Reports

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Report Date: February 13, 2024

January 2024 Update from Selwyn Sexton, Sowers Central and East Africa

Thank you for your friendship and partnership over the past year which has been greatly appreciated. 

As the New Year begins it is always good to have a time of reflection on the year just past and I am so thankful for the blessings I have received, the things achieved, and the promises of God fulfilled. The work of SOWERS has been used by God to motivate and train churches to evangelise, leading to the salvation of hundreds of people, the growth of the churches and the planting of sixty plus new churches. It has amazed me how much has been achieved with so little. To God be the glory.

We look forward to 2024, with anticipation, for the potential opportunities to reach many more people with the life changing message of Jesus and for the expansion and development of the work. “I tell you”, Jesus said, “…look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest”. Your partnership as, “Workers together with God”, is vital to achieving this.

From the Field

Encouragements keep coming from the Fields such as these from:

Mateyo, Malawi

 “We thank God for the wonderful time we have had in this quarter, for many souls who came to Christ during our open-air meetings in the area. Two village headmen come to Christ at these meetings and joined churches. We have established two Bible study groups at Kanjelengo church and at Faith Baptist church. We thank God for the provision of Proclaimers (Radio Bibles) from the Bible Society”. 

training othersTanzania

Emmanuel who travelled to Tanzania in December reports that, “We had a lovely time for SOWERS, teaching a Level three seminar, followed by a Level one. Four people were trained at Level three – three from Tanzania and one from Kenya. In February, I will go back to Tanzania to teach a Level two seminar for those trained at Level one by the new Level threes and to see if they are going to have another church they will train”. 

Machesso, Mozambique

“At an outdoor meeting that was held by the team from Likhawa church, a man named Elías came and listened to the preaching. This man was very drunk and often liked to sleep in the bars for two or three days without arriving at his house. His wife, being upset with his bad behaviour, was about to end the marriage. But when he heard God’s Word through the outdoor meeting, he repented and received Jesus as his Lord and Saviour. At this time, he has already joined the church”.


Prayer and Praise Points

1) Urgent prayer is requested for the supply of newsprint for all countries. It is very difficult to find and it is needed desperately so the teams can illustrate the Gospel message.
2) Growth of new churches
3) Donations for the work to increase
4) Godfrey and Emmanuel in their role as Regional Advisors
5) Senior Sowers and their families:
Zambia: Stephen, Titus, David Evaristo, Puta, Benedict, Mpundu
Malawi: Godfrey, Amos, Mateyo, Patrick, Oswald
Zimbabwe: Edmond, Mussa, Delight, Tsitsi
Mozambique: Machesso, Ibrahim
Uganda: Deo, Richard, Mary, Fred, Ronald
Kenya: Emmanuel
6) Funding for income-generating projects
7) Registration of SOWERS in Tanzania
8) Wisdom for Emmanuel and Deo as they continue developing the work in Tanzania and Rwanda
9) Funds for Bibles, bicycles, printing, sketch board kits and sleeping bags


Thank you for continuing to keep us in your prayers and for supporting the growth of the SOWERS Program in Africa in 2024

Lovingly in Him