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INT02 - Sowers International - AFRICA : Partnership Reports

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Report Date: January 31, 2023

January 2023 Update from Selwyn Sexton, Sowers Central and East Africa

Greeting for 2023. As we launch out into this new year what are your expectations? The same as before or is there expectation of a greater awareness of God's presence in all our circumstances; a greater growth in our spiritual lives; a greater commitment to doing the will of God. There has to be action on our part for these expectations to become reality in our lives. We need to actively seek to know God, study His Word, fellowship with God's people and make Christ known. May God help us to fulfil our expectations this year.

A New Year prayer by Billy Graham in 2008 is very moving. ‘We each have our hopes and expectations for the year that is ahead of us – but You alone know what it holds for us, and only You can give us the strength and the wisdom we will need to meet its challenges. So help us to humbly put our hands into Your hand, and to trust You and to seek Your will for our lives during this coming year.’ 

Recent Events

Development in Zambia

special dayReporting on the development of the SOWERS Program in the North Western Province, Titus says that in the middle of last year a Provincial Committee was formed comprising ten people. He has since trained people at Levels 1, 2, and 3, and Eliot was trained at Level 4 and will spearhead the wonderful work in the Northwestern Province (photo shows him receiving his L4 certificate). Also, Selestino from the Copper Belt, completed his Level 4 training. This means that evangelism teams can be trained in the many Districts that need the SOWERS Program. Pray that money will be available for the ongoing development of the Northwestern Province. 

Cholera in Malawi

There has been a serious cholera outbreak in Malawi which has been described as the worst in two decades with every district affected and the death toll is rising. Restrictions on gatherings and school closures, which were in place, have been lifted. Sowers are again able to train new teams and conduct open air meetings. Pray for a quick resolution to this serious health problem and for the safety of the SOWERS workers. 

Breaking News from Uganda

Fred in Uganda wrote. “On 4th of January 2023, my wife was traveling back from the village after Christmas when some thugs stole some documents, clothes, food and other things. Then, some people, unknown to me, stole the chickens we were rearing.

Today… it’s too painful for us again… I was traveling back from town not aware there were some thugs in the taxi that I boarded. They took all my valuables, my laptop and some ministry documents. A big loss to us as a family and ministry. Please pray the following for us as this is a real battle now in my life, family and ministry. Pray with us against this spiritual attack. Pray for peace for us as we are much troubled. Pray God makes a way for us to replace what the enemy has stolen. Blessings to you all.”

good timeZimbabwe Active

SOWERS in Zimbabwe is growing so well says Edmond, the Zimbabwe Coordinator. Sowers teams are doing open air meetings and follow-up regularly and for the past three months (July, August and Sept) 35 open air meetings were conducted in Harare, Chitungwiza, Rusape (see photo), Beit Bridge and Chiredzi. As a result, 110 people were counselled and 22 joined various churches. A new Faith Ministries Assembly was launched in Rusape town through the Sowers method.


Prayer and Praise Points

1) Wisdom and guidance
2) Fred in Uganda for restoration of confidence and property stolen.
3) Quick control of the cholera outbreak in Malawi.
4) Growth of the new churches
5) Donations for the work to increase
6) Godfrey and Emmanuel in their roles as Regional Advisors
7) Senior Sowers and their families:
Zambia: Stephen, Titus, Puta, Benedict, David, Mpundu.
Malawi: Godfrey, Amos, Mateyo, Patrick, Oswald
Zimbabwe: Edmond, Mussa, Delight, Tsitsi
Mozambique: Machesso, Ibrahim
Uganda: Deo, Richard, Mary, Fred, Ronald, Paul.
Kenya: Emmanuel, Tobias
8) Funding for income-generating projects.
9) Wisdom for Emmanuel and Deo as they continue the development of the work in Tanzania and Rwanda
10) Funds for Bibles, bicycles, printing, sketch board kits and sleeping bags


Thanks for your prayers.

Yours in His Love
