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INT02 - Sowers International - AFRICA : Partnership Reports

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Report Date: October 26, 2022

October 2022 Update from Selwyn Sexton, Sowers Central and East Africa

Greetings in Jesus` name. I am pleased to be able to send you October's update for your encouragement, and prayerful interest.

It is with real joy and thankfulness that I write this newsletter to you all. Joy because of His great mercy and grace experienced every day, and thankfulness for His blessing me with so many wonderful people, around the world, like you, who stand with me in prayer. The Lord continues to help me with the responsibilities of the SOWERS work. My contact with the various fields brings me much joy and thankfulness as the ministry touches many lives in so many different ways.


committedRecent Events


John, the longest full time worker in Zambia, is retiring in December. John has served with SOWERS, as the Coordinator of the Northern Province, since 1996. He has trained evangelism teams in dozens of churches, trained many leaders to teach the SOWERS Program and he has developed a Provincial wide ministry for SOWERS. John`s wisdom and experience will not be entirely lost as he will mentor his successor and be available, from time to time, to teach Seminars. God bless you John for you faithful service.

travellingEmmanuel, Zambian SOWERS` missionary, is presently in Zambia for two months deputation. He has completed meetings in the Southern and Central Provinces and right now he is ministering on the Copperbelt until the end of this month. In November he will be mainly in the Northern Province and ending his time in Zambia at the end of the month in Lusaka. He has a very full schedule of meetings with churches, in crusades, Pastors Fellowships, other groups and most important of all with his relatives. Remember Emmanuel in prayer that he will be kept fresh as he ministers the Word and that God will use him mightily to touch and challenge people regarding their responsibility in mission. 

Titus from the Copperbelt in Zambia reports that Pastor Kanyembo, from Sowezi in North Western Province in Zambia, went for an open air meeting in a Market. He invited three Elders from a different church to come and witness how open air meetings are conducted. The message was something they had never heard before. The Pastor did not counsel them during the public meeting but he requested that he meet them in private. He counselled them using the counselling booklet and they each realised that they had not given their lives to Christ even though they were Elders in the church. They confessed their sins and accepted Christ as their Lord and personal Saviour.



Richard, from Uganda, tells us that during a SOWERS open air meeting in the Trading Centre called Kakooge, there was a man named Kato who listened to the gospel preached right up to the end of the meeting but did not respond at the invitation. After the meeting was finished, surprisingly, this man returned privately to Richard, the team leader, and he was crying because of conviction. He was led through the counselling book and prayed to receive Jesus as his Saviour.



changing livesMajamika, in Malawi writes, `An old lady who used to practice witchcraft accepted the gospel and Jesus at our open air meeting at Linga village and was completely changed. Out of our open air meeting two churches have been started in Tsambola and Chiweta villages east of Lilongwe.`

On Friday when Godfrey was returning to Malawi from Mozambique he had to travel on the back of a motorbike and the driver lost control in loose sand. The bike landed on top of Godfrey damaging his leg, his wallet was stolen but they proceeded 60 kms to Blantyre where he was admitted to hospital. His leg and knee were extremely painful and swollen. Jynne, his wife, organised for suitable transport to get him back to Lilongwe where he was admitted to another hospital. The x-ray showed that his leg was not broken but his knee was, as he put it, dispositioned. He has to have a series of injections and strong pain killers. He is now back at home and it will take at least a month or more for the knee to heal completely. Pray for him please. 



Prayer and Praise Points

1) Wisdom and guidance
2) Emmanuel's deputation in Zambia
3) Growth of the new churches
4) Donations for the work to increase
5) Godfrey and Emmanuel in their roles as Regional Advisors
6) Senior Sowers and their families:
Zambia: John, Stephen, Titus, Puta, Benedict, Mpundu.
Malawi: Godfrey, Amos, Mateyo, Patrick, Oswald
Zimbabwe: Edmond, Mussa, Delight, Tsitsi
Mozambique: Machesso, Ibrahim,
Uganda: Deo, Richard, Mary, Fred, Ronald
Kenya: Emmanuel, Tobias
7) Funding for income-generating projects.
8) Registration of SOWERS in Kenya
9) Wisdom for Emmanuel and Deo as they continue developing the work in Tanzania and Rwanda
10) Funds for Bibles, bicycles, printing, sketchboard kits and sleeping bags.



Thank you so much for your continued interest and support. I am so grateful for your prayers for me, my family and for the ministry of SOWERS.


Yours in the service of the Saviour