Uganda, Africa

UGA09 - Girl Child Empowerment : Partnership Reports

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Report Date: January 14, 2025

new skills

Update from Touch Africa Now


In partnership with Bright Hope World, TAN is implementing a project to improve menstrual hygiene practices among female pupils and female teachers in primary schools. The following activities were done in the months November- December 2024.  

Recent Events


proud of work1) Training Sessions: We conducted training sessions for pupils and teachers from three primary schools: Nyakagando, Skyview, and Peace Yumbe.

2) Reusable Sanitary Pad Making: Pupils and teachers from Skyview Junior School were taught how to draft, cut, join, and assemble cotton cloth, mackintosh and cotton lining parts to make reusable sanitary pads.

3) Fastening and assembly: Pupils from Nyakagando and Peace Yumbe primary school were trained to add hook and loop fasteners, buttonholes and buttons to the sanitary pads, completing the final assembly.



new skills

The project is still ongoing but has already had a positive impact on the pupils by;
- Empowering girls to manage their periods confidently through making their own sanitary pads.
- Boosting the girl’s confidence enabling them to freely share their experience about menstruation and sanitary pads
- Improving both boys’ and girls’ understanding of menstruation, breaking stigmas and promoting a supportive environment. 


Planned Activities

1) Additional training sessions with Skyview Junior School pupils on adding buttons, hook and loop fasteners to their reusable sanitary pads.
2) Enable the pupils and teachers practice the skills they have acquired by making their own sanitary pads.
3) Conduct monitoring and follow-up visitations finished productto Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) school clubs formed during the project.



Special thanks to Bright Hope World for empowering female pupils and teachers through this menstrual hygiene management project. Wishing you a blessed Christmas season filled with love, peace and joy. “May the Lord bless you and keep you”- Numbers 6:24




Touch Africa Now, in partnership with Bright Hope World continues to empower Girls/Women of Kinyomozi through sustainable skills in tailoring clothes/garments for income generation.  

Overall purpose: to provide quality entrepreneurial development skills for adolescent and vulnerable women and, in the long run, reduce dependency and vulnerability.


Recent Events

new skillsActivities

1) Follow-up visitations
TAN conducted several follow-ups to ensure trainers delivered as expected and machines were well managed.

2) Briefing
A meeting which briefed the girls and women about the upcoming assessments was held. During this time, they thoroughly practiced making dresses and skirts in preparation for the assessment.  

3) DIT Assessment (DIT=Directorate of Industrial Training/Ministry of Education)
The women of Kinyomozi underwent a comprehensive assessment by the Directorate of Industrial Training (DIT). They were then tasked with cutting and making a pleated dress. This assessment boosted their confidence, and they new skillseagerly await their certificates and graduation.



Initially many of these women faced resistance from their husbands who refused them to attend the training sessions, however, this reduced as the project progressed. Only one woman still faces this challenge.

The women of Kinyomozi have shown significant improvement in their confidence levels. They have transformed from being timid and wearing unwashed clothes to being clean and able to express themselves freely before others. The training has also empowered them to create a better future for themselves and their community.


new skillsPlanned Activities

A graduation ceremony will be held to award certificates and distribute startup kits to the trainees.



We thank you for your support of this project which is transforming the women and girls of Kinyomozi through tailoring skills. Wishing you a joyous Christmas season and a blessed new year.  “For us a child is born, unto us a son is given…” Isaiah 9:6 


Comments from BHW Uganda Partnership Facilitator

 It is really exciting to see this partnership development. We are getting regular and good quality reports, and the interaction is very clear.

It is also incredibly encouraging to see how a relatively small investment can translate to significant life change for so many people.

This partnership seems to have a lot of future potential and I am excited to see how it develops into the years ahead. I think we should give thanks for the wisdom of the leadership in the organisation and the fact that they maintain a very good level of communication with us.