Kenya, Africa

KEN01c - Kariobangi Outreach Children's Home: Partnership Reports

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Report Date: February 27, 2024

Report from BHW Kenya Partnership Facilitators Following Visit

We visited MCO with Rodgers, Bishop Daniel and Magdeline. While we were there, we visited the schools and Becky was able to walk through Mathare slum. After lunch we sat down to talk over the projects for about two hours. We unfortunately didn’t get to visit Kariobangi this time as one of our children became sick and we needed to return home. 

Recent Events

safe placeActivities

Kariobangi has continued to run smoothly despite challenges, mainly the increase in food and living costs. They currently have 30 children living with them: 12 girls and 18 boys ranging from ages 7-18 years. 

The children sat their national exams both at primary and secondary levels. One of the boys joined secondary school. They also had two of their girls join Moriah School of Discipleship (KEN06a). 


Personal Stories


Beatrice is nearly 18 years old. She is the first born and has a younger brother. They lost their father in 2016 when she was 11 and family life became unbearable as the mother could not take care of them. Beatrice was brought to Kariobangi in 2018. She is a bright girl and a natural leader and is the leader for the children at the home. She has also been the deputy head girl at her high school for two years. After her examinations she joined Moriah School of Discipleship where again she was one of the top students. 

A private donor has sponsored her to complete her diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Zetech University. 


Phiona is 14 years old and is in grade 8. She was brought to the home in 2019 after her father passed away. Her mother could not support the family with her small business. The death of her father had a huge impact on Phiona, and she was failing school. 

With counselling and proper care, she has improved in her school work and is now one of the top girls in her class. She would like to become a nurse one day. 


Elvis is 13 and in grade 7. He was brought to Kariobangi in 2021 from his rural home. His mother came to Nairobi and has been doing casual work in a factory. He is a bright boy and was able to pass the grade six exams and join Marura Junior School. He is a spiritual leader as an assistant leader of devotions. 


Current Issues and Challenges

safe placeOne of the main issues, other than living costs, is power supply. They are frequently having power outages. They are considering solar panels as a backup option. 

The government's new syllabus (Competence Based Curriculum) is more practical based and costs more due to new materials required. 

The cost of living (food, gas and fuel) has made it difficult to provide for the children living in the home. 

A lack of adequate finances to run the home efficiently. Recurrent costs such as electricity, water and salaries are hard to settle. Salaries are being delayed up to 3 months which is obviously impacting staff. 


Prayer and Praise Points


1) This year the children have been healthier with less illness.
2) A local bought the home two 10,000 litre water tanks and had both installed which has greatly improved their water supply. 
3) The students who sat their KPSEA national examinations for grade 6 were successful. This was the first time it has been done through the new Kenyan education curriculum. 


1) Prayer for wisdom progressing forward. Wisdom to make good decisions for the future of the schools and ministry.
2) Pray for re-registration of the three primary schools and admission of their Junior Secondary School in the coming year
3) Pray for the staff’s health and grace
4) Pray for general provision
5) Pray for Rodgers and his wife Grace, for wisdom and energy to care for and protect the children in their care.