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Pakistan, Asia

PAK12 - Afghan Refugee Sewing Courses Peshawar

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Completed - No Funding Required

Partnership Type:

Training / Education, Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Humanitarian

Funding Size:

$0 - $2,999

Annual Budget:

US$ 0

Connected To:

PAK09 , PAK09a , PAK09b , PAK11a


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Funding Contact:

No funding required


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Population: 184.8 million

Life Expectancy: 66.0 years

GDP: US$1022 per capita

Unemployed: 15.0%

60.3% earn less than US$2/day

Current Partnership Impact

30 families are being assisted

30 people are in vocational or agricultural training

Partnership Overview

building relationshipsFor many years there has been a movement of Afghan people into Pakistan as a result of the chronic unrest in the country. Peshawar is one of the main places that Afghan refugees settle in Pakistan. The recent pulling out of US forces and the takeover by the Taliban has seen a huge exodus of people. Many of them are uneducated and unable to fend for themselves and so become very vulnerable, especially the young women. This project aims to give them a means to be able to stay safe and contribute to the economic security of their families. 

For a few months towards the end of 2021 and into 2022, the EGM team helped approximately 1,000 Afghan refugee families in the area around Peshawar by supplying food supplements. In the course of doing this they developed some good relationships with these families. 

generating incomePeshawar is the sixth largest city in Pakistan with a population of just over 2 million people. It is the capital city of the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) and is largely dominated by Pashtun people, originally from Afghanistan. Prior to the latest issues in Afghanistan more than 20% of the population was Pashtun, now it is much higher than that. It is situated in the Peshawar Valley, near to the infamous Swat Valley, and is the entrance point to the Khyber Pass. It is near to the Afghan border and about 2½ hours travel from Islamabad. For many years it has been a base for Taliban militias and there is a strong military presence. 

EGM has a number of key people in the area whom they have been working with and who want to develop their relationship with the refugee community to a deeper level. The initial plan is to train women in sewing and later to start a computer training centre there as well.  

History of Partnership

In 2007 BHW was contacted by a group of people in Lahore. EGM (Evangelistic Gospel Ministries) have a great understanding of holistic ministry and seek to tell people about the Christian message and at the same time to help the poor and vulnerable.

new skillsIn October 2008, the Bright Hope World New Partnership Director visited Youhanabad, Lahore and discovered these people had a clear vision and a great plan for development. They had already commenced a number of sewing centres to assist women to train and to learn skills that would give them opportunities for employment. At that stage a decision was made to commence a computer centre as a first point of engagement for BHW (PAK02). Since then we have continued to be involved with EGM and commenced a number of other partnerships including a sewing factory (PAK04), a scholarship fund for exceptional students (PAK07), rural village sewing centres (PAK09 and PAK11a), and funding of correspondence courses (PAK10).

EGM has extensive experience running sewing centres and have seen first-hand how these courses can transform lives, families and communities. In 2021 they approached us in regard to starting these courses amongst Afghan refugees.  


keen to learnA total of 60 women and their families will be beneficiaries of the four courses run over two years. These will be mainly women who have some contact with the key people and churches in the areas where the courses will be run. 

What We Like About The Partnership

These are people we have worked with previously and who have proved themselves capable of operating programmes like this.
They have local people on the ground with whom they have a long-term relationship.
The beneficiaries are exactly the type of people we want to see being empowered. 


Key People

new skillLeadership Profile

Edward Qasar, the director of EGM, has a number of good people in the area including Pastor Suleiman Masih who is the key person for the EGM Sewing Centre in Peshawar. Edward has known him for more than two years and through Suleiman he was connected to the Afghan refugees. Suleiman has been serving the Lord for more than 20 years in KPK province, serving voluntarily with the OM team in Pakistan. He is the key person for reaching Afghan refugees in KPK. 

Other People Involved

As well as Suleiman, EGM is connected with two other pastors in the area, Pastor Shakeel joined EGM Pakistan in Sep 2021 and Pastor Hameed Waqar from Swat Valley has been a partner with EGM since 2012. 


Vision And Annual Strategy


keen to lThe purpose and vision of the sewing courses is to provide a skill to vulnerable women and empower them physically and economically as well as strengthening them spiritually. Most of them will be able to earn an income for their families after this training. 


The plan is to run four courses over the next two years. Each course will last for 6 months and there will be 15 girls in each course. Each course will be based in a different location, in a different church. 

Part of the plan is that when the women complete the course, they will be assisted to find sewing jobs in garment factories and small garment units or to establish a business at home. Each graduate will receive a sewing machine so, at the very least, they will be able to earn a living by starting a small business in their home. 

tutorIn addition to teaching them this practical skill they will be exposed to prayer and the Good News about Jesus. Many of them are from nominal Christian homes, but some from Muslim families as well. 


Annual Budget

The budget for each 6-month course is US$2,623. This pays for sewing machines for the 15 ladies, scissors and cutters, two irons, a desk and iron stand, and an honorarium for the tutor.