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Pakistan, Asia

PAK11b - Kasur Tutoring Programmes

Partnership Ref.:



Edward Qaser - EGM Pakistan



Funding Status:

Partially Funded

Partnership Type:

Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education, Humanitarian

Funding Size:

$3,000 - $7,999

Annual Budget:

US$ 4,400

Connected To:

PAK07 , PAK11 , PAK11a


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Population: 184.8 million

Life Expectancy: 66.0 years

GDP: US$1022 per capita

Unemployed: 15.0%

60.3% earn less than US$2/day

Current Partnership Impact

35 families are being assisted

40 children are being supported into schooling

40 people are learning to read and write in literacy classes

2 people employed in partner businesses

Partnership Overview

tough lifeThe brick kilns in Pakistan are notorious for child labour and human slavery. More than one million children are working in the brick kilns just in Punjab alone. They do not go to school and are illiterate. Many are forced into early marriages, especially the girls. It is a hard life and our partners there want to see things change and set people free. Education is an important part of the solution. 

For several years BHW has been partnering with EGM in the village of Kasur. There have been sewing programmes (PAK11a), the installation of a water purifier (PAK11) and several students have been involved in the Brilliant Students Scholarship Programme (PAK07). The local pastor, Suliman, is a close friend and colleague of the EGM team. He and another pastor have a real concern for the families trapped in bondage to unscrupulous kiln owners. Many of them have borrowed against their future and can never pay it off as money is deducted every month but usury is charged. Often, they go more into debt after a whole months' work.

tough place to liveChildren are often kept out of school to work in the mud and heat as it is the only way the family can survive. Girls are often "sold" to pay of large debts or are married very young to save costs to the family. 

The two pastors are very concerned about this and are trying by all means to help. One is the leader of the kiln workers union and a pastor. He knows what it is like and has often been beaten for his stance. Many of the families are Christians and have no way out of this modern slavery. They see that educating the children is part of the solution to this poverty trap and that is why these two informal schools have been started. 

History of Partnership

In 2007 BHW was contacted by a group of people in Lahore who had commenced a programme of church growth and development. EGM (Evangelistic Gospel Ministries) have a great understanding of holistic ministry and seek to tell people about the Christian message and at the same time to help the poor and vulnerable. 

tough place to liveIn October 2008, the Bright Hope World New Partnership Facilitator visited Lahore and discovered that these people had a clear vision and a great plan for development. They had already commenced a number of sewing centres to assist women to learn skills that would give them opportunities for employment. At that stage a decision was made to commence a computer centre (PAK02) as a first point of engagement for BHW.

Since then we have continued to be involved with EGM and commenced a number of other partnerships including a sewing factory (PAK04), a scholarship fund for exceptional students (PAK07), rural village sewing centres (PAK09), and funding of correspondence courses (PAK10). In early 2019 EGM presented a proposal to pilot a water purifying project in Kasur village (PAK11) and this was undertaken in May 2019. Following on from this they continue to have a real desire to change the lives of this incredibly vulnerable group of people in Kasur community and to this end commenced sewing classes here in July 2021 (PAK11a) and also requested funding to run two tutoring programmes in the brick kilns. This funding was approved by the BHW Executive in October 2021. 


keen to learnThe beneficiaries of this project are the children who are part of the programme. Officially there are 20 children in each school but that changes from day to day depending on the circumstances of the family.  The two schools will be in the brick kilns at Shah Jamal Chasty Darbar Kasur and Khuaddy Kasur. 

What We Like About The Partnership

We like the concern that the pastors have for the children and that along with EGM they have taken the initiative to commence the two schools. This tells us of their commitment to the community and the children. 

They are not setting up a formal school as that would be just too difficult to sustain. The idea is to get these children up to speed so the families can start to appreciate the value of education and when they are old enough, they will be able to do well at school. 

The EGM people have been wanting to begin this for a long time, it is part of their strategy to lift the Kasur community. 


Key People

Leadership Profile

key personThe key person in terms of communication is Edward Qasar. He is a regular writer and communicator, and we know him well. Edward was a school teacher before going into full time Christian ministry. He has studied and completed at least 12 Emmaus courses in Urdu and has a Diploma of Theology from the Evangelical College of Western Australia. 

Edward is married to Shakila and they have a two children. Edward and Shakila live in the area of Yohannabad with their extended family, they lead a church there and he preaches around the country.

Other People Involved

On the ground in Kasur Village the key person is Pastor Suliman. He has been serving Jesus Christ since 2003 in District Kasur, nearby villages, and the brick kilns. He joined EGM Pakistan in 2003, having graduated from Nam Seoul Presbyterian Bible College in 1998. Pastor Suliman shared his burden for the brick kiln children and poor families and his vision to free them from modern slavery with EGM Pakistan who have visited the brick kilns and shared the word of God with them. 


Vision And Annual Strategy


making a differenceThe vision is to see these families become free from bonded labouring but getting a family out is very complex. 


This strategy is to give basic education to the young children so that they are not forced to work and so that their parents might begin to change their attitude towards the value of education. 

These informal schools will teach basic literacy and numeracy so that when the children get to go to school, they will be able to do well enough to want to stay. 


Annual Budget

The annual budget to fund the two tutoring programmes is US$4,400 and this will go towards the salary of the tutor and teaching materials. 


wants to be a nursePersonal Testimony

Real "Life Change" Stories

Kiran Anwar (right) has five siblings, and all her older brothers and sisters are working at the brick kiln to help their mother. Her father passed away from a heart attack in 2018. She is just 6 years old and working with her mum to pay a bad debt to the landlord of the brick kiln. She wants to become a nurse and help others. She likes to study and is very thankful.

Sameer Sameer is a 7-year-old boy and is working with his parents. His father works as a driver at the brick kiln and does part-time work in the brick kiln to pay their debt. He works with his mum and dad for many hours every day. He so loves coming to school.