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Mozambique, Africa

MOZ04a - Tarikhi ya Haakhi Literacy Programmes

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Partially Funded

Partnership Type:

Training / Education, Evangelism / Church Planting

Funding Size:

$3,000 - $7,999

Annual Budget:

US$ 7,590

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Population: 23.4 million

Life Expectancy: 47.8 years

GDP: US$477 per capita

Unemployed: 60.0%

90.0% earn less than US$2/day

Current Partnership Impact

700 families are being assisted

2000 people are learning to read and write in literacy classes

24 people employed in partner businesses

Partnership Overview

learning new languageIslam was spread through this coastal area mainly through madrassa classes from the late 1800's through to the mid-1900's, teaching people to read Arabic when there were no Portuguese schools. Now the Koti people want to read Roman script not Arabic script. They want their children to succeed in school and they are amazed and blessed to be able to read in Koti, not Portuguese. They are impressed that the scriptures are written in Koti.

The madrassa classes that Tarikhi ya Haakhi are currently running teaching the children are proving to be a huge testimony and opening people's hearts and minds in a way that normal evangelism could hardly do. In early 2014 they had about 1,895 students in 41 classes, 4 days a week. Expanding the classes to also include adults is going to be huge in leavening the whole Koti community. Their vision is for a major shift, that they will not be just a small minority but that many Koti will become followers of Jesus.  

changed livesHistory of Partnership

Bright Hope World has been involved in financially supporting the work of Tarikhi ya Haakhi since 2006.  In early 2013 Jo Graham presented us with this new opportunity and following a visit to Mozambique by BHW's Field Director in July 2013 it was decided to commence providing funding in 2014 to enable them to expand these literacy classes.  


The primary beneficiaries will be both the children and adults who learn to read and their families. If parents can read and their children can read it creates a very different environment at home. It becomes a place of stimulation and learning, something very rare in most African homes.

Indirectly there are many by-product benefits:
- the parents are more likely to get jobs or better jobs 
outdoor learning- the children are less likely to drop out of school and the girls forced into early marriage 
- the churches grow in much more depth with literate people in the seats and more leaders develop 

What We Like About The Partnership

These literacy classes come as part of a wider context. The church planting movement here is very exciting but does require more leaders. Teaching adults literacy will help support that and the development of leaders.

This is an established Koti teaching programme which is having a great impact in the community. 

There is a great leadership team on the ground and a very positive structure for this whole ministry. 


Key People

Overseeing the workLeadership Profile

Joe Graham is the key person Bright Hope World deals with at this project. He was sent from a church in Japan.  Joe is a New Zealander and his wife Jenny is Malaysian. They both completed degrees in Sociology from Canterbury University and attended City New Life Church in Christchurch. They have been involved with church planting for many years.


Vision And Annual Strategy

The vision here is two-fold: 

1) To teach both children and adults to read and write in Koti thereby empowering a generation of illiterate people, enabling them to get better jobs, improving their family life and developing leaders in the church

keen to learn2) To present the gospel through these classes. The rationale behind this is that Islam was spread down this coast primarily through madrassa. When there were no Portuguese schools, Muslim evangelists taught people to read Arabic and the Quran. Now is a kairos time to impact Koti identity deeply, for many Koti to begin to follow Jesus.  

They want to extend these classes in the main Koti area of Angoche (Inguri) and would like to start 20 more classes in the following year if funding can be secured.


Annual Budget

One class costs $US25 per month ($US20 for the teacher and $US5 for the materials) so 20 classes will cost $US500 per month.