For a number of years Joyce Lubari was concerned with the number of young people in their community who leave school and who cannot get employment. Many young people manage somehow to complete secondary school, but what then?
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
12/12/2013 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Humanitarian |
Funding Size: |
$15,000 - $99,999 |
In Koboko there is a group of pastors' wives and widows who are doing business and seeking to empower themselves in a very small way. Life is extremely hard without income and they have started their own very small savings and loan programme.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
20/06/2024 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
One of the great challenges Uganda faces is feeding it's people in a sustainable way. We believe the key to making this dream a reality is to teach and train local people to grow their own food. And in the process of doing that, they learn to care for their own families.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
10/11/2012 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development, Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans |
Funding Size: |
$15,000 - $99,999 |
For a number of years Touch Africa Now has been developing ministry in the Nyakagando area. This is an area of great need, most of the local people are DR Congo and South Sudanese refugees, and the girls and women are vulnerable to abuse and exploitation. They want to develop small income generating activities for the most vulnerable.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/03/2018 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education, Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
There are currently 15 churches in the Faith Harvest Network in the east of Uganda. Many of the people in these churches are poor with few resources or capital to allow them to get out of poverty. In several of the churches they have begun a small loan programme with approximately 120 people. The concept here is to boost this so it becomes available to more people.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/03/2023 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Community / Agriculture Development, Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
As Timothy and Janepher Kakooza began to plant a church in Katosi, they very quickly found that the village had many children, few schools and many orphans.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
1/01/2004 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$15,000 - $99,999 |
The Christian Fellowship Churches (CFC) and Child Care Ministries (CCM) in Busia, Uganda, offer holistic ministry leadership training and care to people in their local communities. In the recent past, these communities have experienced wars, hostile nomadic tribe invasions, HIV/AIDS, disease and poverty. Although matters have been improving some of these issues remain everyday realities for them. They offer the Good News of Jesus while showing and practicing His love.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
10/10/2001 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$15,000 - $99,999 |
In the heart of Lira, a large town in Northern Uganda, there is a remarkable story of resilience and recovery. At Hope Restoration Centre two sisters, Penninah Okello and Anna Ocen, provide refuge and support to a group of 29 children who have emerged from the shadows of a tumultuous past.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
1/01/2006 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$15,000 - $99,999 |
Anna Ocen has been working with a group of widows and single mothers in Mbale where she lives. These women have set up a small loan programme but are needing additional funds to take their businesses to the next level.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/02/2010 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans |
Funding Size: |
$3,000 - $7,999 |
Mbale village was formed by internally displaced people from the city of Mbale. They are poor and trying to eke out a living from fishing. There is a great deal of drunkenness, abuse and very few children were going to school. Timothy and Janepher wanted to do something so sent some teachers to this village to start a school.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
10/10/2012 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education, Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$15,000 - $99,999 |
Thomas Lubari and his wife Joyce Gaba are extensively involved in various ministries and activities in Jinja where they live. They lead a church in Njeru and are also involved in church planting, Foundations for Farming training, running trauma healing workshops, a micro-loan programme, and overseeing a vocational training programme.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/03/2007 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Evangelism / Church Planting |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
In the East of Uganda two existing loan programmes have been successful and a number of participants now want to take out larger loans that have extended repayment periods.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/10/2013 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Thomas and Joyce Lubari lead a church in Jinja, Uganda which comprises of some of the poorest people in Uganda. They have a real heart for these people and this micro-loan programme is an exciting development to enable them to offer a helping hand to the people in their congregation.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
20/12/2009 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
This area is known in Uganda as a cattle and dairy farming area. It is fertile and there are many very large farms and ranches. Using dairy cows to generate income therefore has good potential to support the key people financially and to assist the poor in the area to become self-sustaining.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
3/03/2012 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Marumba Christian School is a community school located in the village of Marumba. It has been established to help less privileged children attain a better quality of education and to be imparted with spiritual values.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
21/04/2013 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Training / Education |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
BHW has been partnering with Emmanuel Mission for a number of years and various programmes have been initiated. They have proved to be a very reliable partner and they have worked very faithfully in the various endeavours. This partnership is to establish a loan fund in Uganda to develop various projects from there, rather than for each one of them to have to come back to BHW for approval and facilitation.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
20/10/2017 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans, Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Pangani is an extremely undeveloped area with few schools. A local church has been established and is growing strongly with more than 100 people baptised in the last two years. The community has asked for a school so the leadership of CFC-CCM have decided to develop one despite having few resources.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
21/10/2013 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Training / Education, Orphans & Vulnerable Children |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
Many refugees in Uganda live in extreme poverty, made worse by the fact the homes they are allocated are in the rockiest places meaning they are unable to grow crops.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
17/07/2018 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Community / Agriculture Development |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |
This micro-loan programme assists local women, widows and single parents to support their families by establishing and growing their small businesses.
Partnership Ref.: |
Commenced: |
25/02/2010 |
Funding Status: |
Partnership Type: |
Micro-enterprise / Micro-loans |
Funding Size: |
$0 - $2,999 |