Zambia, Africa

ZAM13 - OM Zambia : Partnership Reports

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Report Date: March 16, 2021

OM Zambia Update

Recent Events


Schools in Zambia were closed from December and reopened on the 1st February. This meant the Discipleship and Missions classes could commence. The first three weeks of classes were spent away camping at a local farm as part of their orientation.  


We visited one of the OM centres last week and it was encouraging to see the outreach to our migrant friends going well and also that the local churches were getting involved and taking up this work. 

Unfortunately a trip down south to Sesheke to visit OM projects there was cancelled due to a rise in COVID cases but we are trusting we will be able to arrange another date for this soon. A number of OM missionaries from Kabwe were due to go on this vision trip as they are praying about where the Lord might be leading them.  

Prayer and Fast

The OM Zambia leadership recently called a 40 day prayer and fast for the whole field. The theme is repentance and renewal and we are now moving into the third week. COVID-19 has affected us as a field, the reality of stripping away many of our programmes has revealed some sense of emptiness. Knowing this is not a bad thing, it shows we were building on something that was not Jesus. We are praying for us as a field to turn our eyes to him and build our lives on Jesus - the solid rock. It has been encouraging to spend much time praying together, evan at 5am! African Christians are generally very committed prayers, it is one of the African church's strengths; a dedicated prayer life reflecting a dependency on Jesus.

Bethesda Mercy Ministry (ZAM13b)

good to be backBethesda children have now started back at school after it being closed for 10 months due to COVID-19. The team have worked on getting COVID-secure measures set up for a safe reopening.  COVID-19 poses a higher risk for these children with disabilities but the risks of them not being in school are also high as their families often struggle to feed them and manage their medical needs. The children will now once again appreciate the health benefits of a cooked meal at school each day.

Both groups of children from Bethesda School in Nakoli and Bethesda School in Makululu are now meeting at the Makululu site as the toilets at the Nakoli School desperately need replacing.  

Sadly the Bethesda driver went to be with the Lord two weeks ago which is a heavy loss for the team. Peter and Brenda have also been struggling with poor health and would appreciate your prayers. 


Plans for the Future

needing fundsLast year we worked on a proposal to fund a solar system to power the entire mission base here in Kabwe.  We have experienced long hours of loadshedding since June 2019, up to 10 or 12 hours a day with no power, much of which has been during office hours which really impacts the running of the organisation.  In a country with this much sun, solar power makes so much sense. We had a conditional 50% donated but needed to find the remaining funds in order to secure this first donation. The Lord has provided a further 40% recently which is incredible. We trust in the Lord's provision for the last 10%.   


Prayer and Praise Points


back at school1) The government's announcement that schools could reopen in February, meaning MDT classes could resume and Bethesda School could start back
2) 40 days of prayer and fasting
3) Churches in the north engaging in migrant outreach
4) Recent donations towards solar power for the OM mission base


1) The remaining 10% needed to get the solar system for the OM base
2) Protection for the children at Bethesda School from COVID-19
3) For the ministries to be able to work well within current restrictions and not be fearful but trusting in the Lord for his protection


Thank you so much for partnering with us in the Lord’s work.