Rwanda, Africa

RWA02 - Young Women's Scholarship Programme: Partnership Reports

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Report Date: June 6, 2022

Update from Rwanda Partnership Facilitator

Recent Events


This programme has just commenced, and this report is really just to give some initial thoughts. It is designed for up to 17 young women to be given a chance at gaining skills so they can become financially self-sustaining. Seven young women have commenced training, six in hairdressing and one in tailoring. Three of their stories are below.  

Others will join as soon as they are able. A major issue for the girls this is aimed at, is that they have all got babies and finding someone to care for the children while they are training is proving to be a real issue. Some have not been able to start their course. Three options are being explored; one is to add a few men to the programme, the second is just to wait until others who have childcare available can join and third, finding a childcare solution for the children. 

In July 2022 the BHW facilitator is visiting, and these issues and options will be discussed. 


Personal Stories

very gratefulPersonal stories from three of the teen mums in their own words:


"My name is Liliane and I am 19 years old. I have a set of twin girls who are 3 years old now. After getting pregnant I dropped out of school thinking that I would return after giving birth. Little did I know how bad my life would become; it was like going through hell. I tried different types of jobs, but it did not work out because I also needed to attend to my kids. Today I am so thankful that I have been able to do a course doing hair, manicure and pedicure activities. I am sure I will be able to earn money from what I have studied and won’t struggle with living anymore. I have been dreaming of doing this course, but never got money to pay for myself, but here I am today doing what I have dreamed of. So thankful!" 

very grateful



"My name is Claudine and I am 19 years old. I lost my parents at a very young age and started to live on my own. This brought me into bad behaviour and I got pregnant at 17 years.  A family member who was parenting me chased me out of her house and I suffered with a new-born living on the streets. Ever since then I have lived a life of struggles. But now I am thankful that I have been able to get financial support to do this course. After a month of training, I am confident of my performance, I have some idea now of what I will be able to do at the end of this course. Thank you so much."



very gratefulClaudine 

"My name is Claudine and I am 20 years old. I left my village and came to the city with the intention of getting a job to support my vulnerable family. When I got to the city, life gave me the unexpected. I was thrown out of the place I was staying by the person whom I was working for. Then the man who volunteered to host me impregnated me and chased me out of his house. I kept striving for a life with my child until I got the news that I am going to be supported and can start studying. Now I am doing a sewing course and my performance is good. I am sure that I will earn a living from sewing once I finish studying. I am so grateful for the support and promise to perform well."


Ideas for the Future

They would like to possibly add some young men and there is also a need to explore the possibility of childcare for the children.  


Prayer and Praise Points

1) Praise God for a good start.
2) Pray for wisdom in making decisions around childcare for the babies of trainees.