Zambia, Africa

ZAM18a&d - Samfya Bible School Agricultural Teacher: Partnership Reports

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Report Date: May 15, 2018

Report from BHW Zambia Partnership Facilitator Following Visit in March


Recent Events

Extension Program

real impactSamfya Bible School (SBS) has been running the extension program since 2014. The extension program reaches out to local areas around Samfya where past students have settled. They work with the local churches in that area and run a program working through the book, ‘Knowing and Doing’ for the first year, then the second year the group of graduates decide what electives they would like to choose, depending on what suits the area best. The past students from the area also attend and help with the first year, then get a group of 10 people together to work through the ‘Knowing and Doing’ book while being monitored and supported by the SBS staff.

There are now 12 extension programs running but there is more need. People are wanting this in their communities but there are not enough workers to cover more programs. 

These programs are reaching over 300 church leaders with sound biblical teaching. The benefit for the school has been that from the programs people get a taste for the truth and want to then learn more so they enroll at SBS. The teachers already know and have developed a relationship with them so they are finding they are getting students at SBS that are quality and are serious about being there to learn. 

BHW has supported two of these extension programs in Chaba and in Kaishe.

Chaba program
The Chaba program has gone really well with 22 people graduating from the first year last year. Peter Bobo taught the program while Judus Bobo taught a selection and organised and administered the course.

Judus and his son Amos are now running a course for 10 people while the second year of electives is going ahead with the community choosing: Bible interpretation, Preaching, Business and Entrepreneurship, and Biblical counselling.

Five people from the first year have enrolled at SBS.

Kaishe program
Kaishe has been a little bit different and a more rocky road. There was a bit of division and misunderstanding in the community. The first year took months before starting and then a change in venue meant more disruptions. Things that might sound simple are actually quite complicated in a community like this but for now the first year has been done and they will do the first year again for another group. The discussions are ongoing about whether to join these two groups for the second year or not. Please pray for unity in this community! Four past students have identified areas where they can start their own little groups and continue spreading this great learning opportunity.


Plans for the Future

There will be a request coming through for another extension program in the Chaba area for a group to start where a lot of the rice growing is happening.


Current Issues and Challenges

In regards to the extension program, if there was another suitable worker this would help greatly with spreading more of this biblical teaching and strengthening the local church leadership.


Prayer and Praise Points

We are thankful to God for the incredible chance we have to partner with such a community changing program. We are thankful for the unity we see in Chaba. Please pray for Kaishe, that they will be able to form a strong unified group and continue with the great work that has begun. Pray that people will be able to put aside their differences for the sake of the kingdom.