"I'm a Bright Hope World Donor or Supporter"

We at Bright Hope World are absolutely blessed with wonderful donors.

Our donors tend to 'get' what we're about. We are not like most other organisations working in the missions space. We don't always offer the same degree of experience, or glossy brochures or opportunities to take trips into exotic places. But, we believe we are connected with partners that are making a huge difference around the world among the poorest of the poor.

And, we believe that you care about that most of all.

As an entrepreneurial group of people connected to what are usually entrepreneurial partners, we are always looking for 'kingdom return on investment'. We are looking to invest money where it will do the most good in impacting the poor and seeing hope and life be introduced into dark places.

We want you to know that your investment in us and our partners pays high dividends indeed!

We've organised some of our key information - both about us and our partnerships - so that it is most relevant for you based on what you're looking for.

Click the links below for more information:

We aim to give the best possible feedback we can to our donors as to the effectiveness of their funding.

We believe that seeing the impact of donations made is important, and we want our donors to be encouraged by this.

Every year we produce impact statistics that are gathered for every partnership. These are not rough guesses or numbers pulled from thin air, but a reasonable estimate of how our partners are making a difference among the poorest of the poor right now. These numbers are a snapshot, not cumulative. That means we report only on those being helped currently. If one was to look back over the entirety of the partnerships, the numbers would be in the hundreds of thousands.

Of course, not everything is measurable. We do our best to pass on the stories of life change we hear from our partners and the partnership beneficiaries. You'll see some of these in partner reports, as well as in our Annual Reports and the stories page on this website.

We are also undertaking annual Global Impact Update events around New Zealand. These events aim to report back to our donor base what we are doing as an organisation, what our partners are doing and the impact this is having, and what we see God doing around the world. We would strongly encourage you to come along and hear first-hand the impact your generosity is having.



Thank you so much for considering increased investment in Bright Hope World!

As you know, our commitment to all our donors is that we use funds effectively, and one of our core values is being a 'low overhead organisation'. This means we never take more than 10% of donations for administration. If you give to our General Fund we take no administration at all.

Choosing where to give is no easy thing.

You may choose to focus on a particular country or partnership type (such as microloans) or you may wish to consult our Strategy page and get a sense of where we are focusing our future efforts as a ministry. Regardless of where your interest lies, you can search for partnerships using the link above and find exactly what you're looking for.

We also provide guidance (in the links to the right) as to which partnerships we consider to be our top priority in terms of finding donors. You can also see a list of all our unfunded partnerships so you have a sense of where the needs lie.

If you'd like to talk through a giving strategy with us, please do make contact. We are always happy to talk about our partners and help figure out a good fit between what is happening in the majority world, and the strategic interests of a donor looking to further invest in missions and poverty alleviation.

Above all, know that your donations make a difference, because our partners are - in our view - the best of the best. They are working in partnership with God to change the world, and your funds ensure that this continues to happen.


Bright Hope World is a relational organisation, so we rely heavily on our supporters to help us find ways to tell the stories of our partners.

One of the best ways to help us (beyond giving financially) is to provide us with opportunities to tell stories about our partners to a wider audience. We love speaking to churches, interest groups, home groups, and any other kind of group interested in seeing the poorest of the poor being lifted out of poverty. We have team members based all around New Zealand, so we are usually able to take up opportunities to speak.

Alternatively, we have resources and advice available on our Advocacy page that can assist you to tell others why you support Bright Hope World and our partners.

Another way in which people can get involved with Bright Hope World is to promote (or just buy) La Mai coffee. This is a great product we bring in from one of our partners in Thailand, and it makes a huge difference in poor hill tribe communities in the north of the country. The more we are able to sell, the more we can buy from Thailand, supporting local hill tribe farmers. All the profits go back into community projects in Thailand.

In terms of direct 'hands-on' involvement, you will be aware that we are not a 'sending ministry'. We work almost exclusively with local people who know the language, culture and nature of local issues. Our team members - who are volunteers and pay their own travel costs - tend to travel to visit partners annually, and report back as to how the work is progressing. If you are familiar with Bright Hope World, though, and are interested in exploring a role as a Partnership Facilitator - or in some other capacity - please do let us know. We are always on the lookout for good people!



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