Dem. Rep. of Congo, Africa

DRC08a - ACLUP Chikera Community Water Provision: Partnership Reports

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Report Date: November 30, 2021

Water Project Report

Recent Events

dreadful waterIntroduction

As of July 14, 2021, ACLUP DRC had received funds for the construction of a water tank (10 cubic meters) to serve the population of Chikera. Several generations of this Chikera entity have lived with enormous suffering due to a lack of clean water. In 1983 diarrhea diseases had decimated most populations, especially children and the elderly.

To draw water the population descended into the cliff to find the water. The water came from the source and was drawn with difficulty. The population was threatened by rainwater when the river flooded. The water was drawn using a banana peel or bamboo cut in half.

ACLUP DRC, with the help of BHW, has resolved to help this population to provide them with safe water and thus fight against waterborne diseases. Hospitals reported cases of typhoid fever, cholera and other diseases related to lack of clean water. 

lots of energy requiredActivities

The construction activities of this tank had been launched by raising the awareness of this community work. Each person has been sensitized so that we have the support of everyone.

The sensitized population at all levels has understood the importance of this tank built for the interest of all. This is how the population transported alone the gravel, rubble, stone, sand, and unloaded the material necessary for the construction of this tank for the common interest of the entire population. Thus, the project began with the joy of the whole community and especially the Christians gathered in different churches that are in the entity.

Earthworks: Since the source was in the mountain and there were difficulties in digging this mountain young people served as our workforce and were put on site to ensure the work was done that required a lot of energy.

super slipperyAs you will see in the images shared, the clearing was very difficult for us because the ground was slippery and we were afraid of slipping. Apart from this slide, the water was in rocks that had to be followed with a lot of energy. Fortunately we had bold and strong young people who dug the rock until they found this rare resource that the entire population was waiting for. From the point of the river to the source, at least 5 meters was cleared and then we went back down because the water was elsewhere than we thought. Thus, the catchment was planned and carried out.

Water installation and collection: After clearing, the water was captured and the filter, consisting of sand, lime, coal, and stones, was installed. Note that the filter as installed gave clean water ready for consumption. Two pipes have been placed; one that directs to the tank and the other for evacuation in case of tank filling. This is how the water was directed towards the tank in a pipe with a length of 20 meters.

The entire population, who were waiting for this water, were delighted to see the success gives clean waterof this filter which gave a satisfactory result.

In order to protect this filter we built a wall of 3 meters, after excavating its foundation 1 meter in the ground. All this was the right way to support the water source and avoid any landslide as the latter was built on such a slippery slope.

Looking at these images shared, you will realize that the work has been bold and has been carried out in a strategic way so that from the filter and the installed source, the water has arrived at the place where the tank is installed. The metal pipe was placed above the river and supported by a reinforced concrete beam to prevent this pipe from being washed away by rainwater during the flooding of the Cula River. 

looking for source

finished filterprotecting pipe


starting constructionInstallation of the tank: The tank was very necessary and subject to our intervention. ACLUP installed the tank of 8 cubic meters on a space allocated for this purpose. The land on which this tank is installed had been granted with the assistance of the local authorities and the leaders of the churches who had negotiated this land with the owner. Thus, a duly written and signed document had been delivered to ACLUP to mention that this land now belongs to the population. This is just the part where the tank is erected and the staircase belongs to the entire community.

The tank was built with qualified engineers and was a source of pride for ACLUP and for the entire population who was waiting to see the completion of its construction. In the images shared you will even find that during the construction, the population was always coming to draw water while impatiently waiting for the end of the work.


progressIssues and Challenges

At the time of the design of the project, two elements that were also necessary were omitted: the construction of two retaining walls; one to support the filter so that it does not fall and the second to support this tank which is built right next to the Cula River. The construction of these two walls should entail the additional budget which is why we reduced the size of the tank. Initially the tank was planned at 10 cubic meters but following this constraint, we opted to build 8 cubic meters.

hard at workThe second element was the under estimation of the work. In our plan, we supposed to realize the work would only take two weeks but this took effectively five weeks. This caused some adjustment in the budget line. Thanks to God because of the US$11,433 planned we used $11,022. 


Thanks From the Community

On behalf of the population of Chikera, Cikonyi and Chibandihwe (two villages near Chikera from which the population will also benefit from this work), the general public, and representatives of Christian churches expressed thanks to ACLUP DRC and Bright Hope World. They say they are satisfied and praise the Lord through the works that ACLUP DRC had just done. From now on, the population is happy to draw water from the taps that make the water gush under the admiration of users. God bless ACLUP DRC and Bright Hope World.

huge difference
huge difference