Egypt, Middle East

EGY05 - Barnabas Ministry Poverty Reduction Programme: Partnership Reports

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Report Date: March 3, 2021

Update from BHW Egypt Partnership Facilitator

Recent Events

COVID Relief

grateful for assistanceCOVID-19 has badly affected everyone in Egypt. It has most severely affected those at the bottom of the economic pile and that includes those in this programme. Recent ministry among poor families was mainly offering financial and material support in order for them to survive. Many have lost jobs and the poor have become poorer. 

Every month support has been given to 45 families. Depending on the number of family members and their needs each family receives between US$15 and $20. Of course, this is nowhere near enough for them to flourish, it is survival right now. 

Also, they are provided with food bags that include rice, oil, sugar, pasta, honey, cheese and meat. Some were provided with blankets and there were small gifts for the children. The team met with them in open places for the health safety of the team and those receiving assistance. 


very gratefulRegular programmes have been suspended as it is not permitted to gather or to visit homes so all the funds they have received have been going into relief provisions. 

COVID-19 has affected the work both negatively and positively:
NegativelyThey can only meet in open places for short periods of time because the churches are closed and they are not allowed to go into homes. Because of this they are not able to have long prayer and praise meetings.

PositivelyThey have focused on meeting needs and this has developed their relationships more deeply than before. 
They have followed up people by phone which has meant more regular contact than before.
This economic situation is a chance to offer more help and support than usual.
They are thinking about new ideas to meet the needs as the impact of COVID-19 continues.


young kidsPersonal Stories


Hanaa is a mother of three little chlidren, the youngest is less than one year old. Having a baby and young children means she is very busy with household work. The team provided her with a washing machine to help her with her house work. She was really touched by their ministry to her. She said that they don’t just offer her financial and spiritual help only but it is done with respect to every person they deal with.  


Gigi is a widow (photo below). She has three children in different educational stages and doesn’t have time to work in employment. She feels bitter from injustice because her family do not give her what she is meant to get. She said that this support is very important to her family. She is encouraged to hand over her problems to God who can give her strength and grace to go on in her life.

feeling bitterAt the beginning when they first met her she was very sad but now she has improved and her trust in God to help her has grown significantly. 


Partnership's Influence within the Community

This is impossible to ascertain however there is a great deal of goodwill amongst the women and their families because they have been able to continue supporting them in this crisis time. 


Ideas for the Future

1) The ability to support more families
2) The desire to meet with people and pray with them
3) They want to be able to visit many families in their homes
4) They want to take the women they serve for a one night retreat because many are depressed and cannot go anywhere during COVID-19


Current Issues and Challenges

1) During this COVID period the needs are increasing due to the worsening economic situation.
2) They pray that COVID-19 would end so they can meet people again with no fear. There is a lot of fear and uncertainty. 


Prayer and Praise Points

1) Offering thanks to God for his provision that covered more needs.
2) Prayer to be able to extend the ministry to reach even more families.
3) For God to give them new visions and new dreams.
4) That COVID-19 would end, quickly



This ministry is going well despite COVID-19. These people were below the poverty line anyway so in a sense not much has changed for them, COVID is just another issue on top of many existing issues. This partnership is very worthwhile and we should continue with the development as per our programme.