Peru, South America

PER01 - Personal support of Godofredo and Teresa Rubio: Partnership Reports

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Report Date: August 8, 2020

Update from Godofredo and Teresa Rubio

Thank you brothers and sisters for your support and your love for us.

I ask for your prayers. We are going through very difficult moments with COVID-19. We have had six deaths within the church family, some were part of the church and others related to families in the church. People are dying in the streets, the hospitals are collapsing and there are no beds, doctors or health personnel. A great number have given up due to fear. There is no oxygen and if there is they are selling it for an expensive price, just a deposit on a bottle costs $2,200, all of this is in Cajamarca.

By the grace of God some believers have managed to recover but many are contagious and we do not know what will happen the following day. We have confidence and call out to God that He will stop the advancement of this virus. It is the first time that we are fighting with the same death face to face but we know that our Lord Jesus Christ can take us out of this victorious.

The majority of us are taking Ivermectin, used by vets, to prevent and combat COVID-19 and also taking chlorine dioxide which is prohibited by the Ministry of Health but is the only thing that is healing people.

We have formed a team to attend to the sick that is made up of two doctors and two vets, both have experience and attend to patients via the phone. Thanks to God they are seeing good results.

My family and I are well, thanks to God. My daughter Jessica and her family in Curahuasi are also well. It is just that there is a lot of sadness and tears to see many people suffering with the illness and the death of their dear families. We live near to the hospital and all day we hear the sound of the ambulances entering with the sick and leaving with bodies.

As a pastor I am calling the brothers and sisters and praying, consoling, calling out to the Lord Jesus Christ together. The advance of the virus is something that they cannot stop.

We are preaching to the church every Sunday via Facebook at 10am and on Tuesdays at 7.30pm. We hold meetings via WhatsApp, Zoom and Google Meet. I don’t go out into the street as I am a vulnerable person at risk due to my health but thanks to God via the social network of the internet I am able to facilitate help to the church family rapidly.

Our lives are in the best hands, the Hands of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ.

We value your prayers for us.

We love you and appreciate your help
Godofredo and Teresa Rubio