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IND18 - NGM Reach Out Training Centre : Partnership Reports

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Report Date: April 20, 2019

Update on Cafe Delight and ActsCo BookHouse


Recent Events

new projectCafe

Café Delight and ActsCo BookHouse are two new ministry projects of NGM-ROTC with a vision to build a business wing through selling brewed coffee, tea and baking for the purpose of supporting people in poverty. 

NGM signed a Memorandum of Understanding to rent the first floor of a building in Babupara Imphal. The MoU was signed for a period of three years. The building is located at the center of the main Manipur government offices building blocks and the Police headquarters is also nearby so there are plenty of people to visit the cafe. 

Renovation of the building started in the month of October 2018 and although we have opened the cafe there is still some more work to do as we move on with the project.

making great coffeeDuring December 27, 2018 - January 1, 2019 Peter G, a coffee expert, visited us and trained five of our church youth. As a result, A is managing and serving coffee with two full-time staff now at the café.

Since January 2019, Café Delight is functioning with soft opening selling coffee, tea and cookies. We are intending to promote more in social media as we are planning to do a Grand Opening on April 27, 2018 (next week). So far, whoever has tried our coffee and come to our café have given positive feedback of serving the best coffee in peaceful ambience. 

At present, we have one coffee machine with one coffee grinder but need a second smaller grinder in the near future. We also have one small baking oven for making cookies but we need to buy a lot of equipment for the kitchen to add more baking for to fulfill the long term goals of the café, such as a commercial oven and refrigerator. 

lots of books


Book House

The books from the USA arrived by container in mid-January 2019, so we have many books next door on the same floor (ActsCo BookHouse) and it has been a great attraction for the crowd in Imphal now. Numbers of people are barely waiting for the opening next week. With this situation, we are hoping for both Café Delight and ActsCo BookHouse to be well known by the people in the town. 


good startComments

As we update all these, we want to THANK Bright Hope World for your interest and willingness to help us. Like any other project of NGM so far, this is another step of faith with more objectives to draw both non-Christians and Christians to this café and book house for evangelism and helping the poor in need for next level growth through business and resources.