Zambia, Africa

ZAM25 - OM Nakoli Community School: Partnership Reports

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Report Date: May 15, 2018

Report from BHW Zambia Partnership Facilitator Following Visit in March


Recent Events

Nakoli School 

enjoying schoolThroughout Zambia the government has slowly been gazetting schools. Nakoli now has a Head Teacher and a Deputy that have been appointed by the government. Before being gazetted the teachers were trained through OM discipleship training and OM teachers training. They were given an appreciation allowance and viewed the work at the school as part of their ministry. 

OM has worked with the community, Head teacher and their own teachers to devise an exit strategy. They have come to an agreement to drop three positions per year and be fully out by 2021. This will mean that the school has time to employ new government teachers. Because the school is now under government control they have to accept all students and the class sizes have increased to 60-70 / class with one teacher. The teachers that have been let go this year have moved on to other ministry opportunities with OM already.  

Cholera in Zambia

School started late this year because of cholera. The government delayed the opening of all schools in Zambia to help prevent the spread of the disease. All schools were visited by the Ministry of Health to make sure they were meeting the standards of health in Zambia. Nakoli Grace School passed the health inspection. 

National Exams

Last year was the first year that Nakoli School had students taking the national grade 7 exams. All of their students passed. This is a rare occurrence in Zambia. They thank God for these students and the teachers that have walked with them through their school journey.

Aroha Flats

BHW previously funded one of four flats in a block of flats. This flat is rented out and the funds given to financially support Nakoli school. Some changes have been made to the way these flats are managed in that before if a certain flat for a certain ministry was not rented out for a month then that ministry would not get the expected money. They have now divided the four flats into shares depending on the amount put forward in the beginning. From the whole amount there is tax, maintenance, wages and an administration fee taken out and then the rest is divided between the ministries they are intended for. I think this is a great way to even out the ups and downs that can come from having a rental and a great way to solve this problem. 


Plans for the Future

Continue with the flat funding Nakoli school until OM have fully pulled out of there. After that we can discuss any boundaries that might need to be put on the use of that money.


Prayer and Praise Points

1) Roberts, a student at Nakoli, is having problems with his heart.
2) Strength and wisdom for teachers
3) Opportunities to speak truth into the lives of the students.
4) Provision for the school's ministries