Egypt, Middle East

EGY01 - Al Hayat Training Centre: Partnership Reports

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REPORT DATED: MAY 30, 2017 >

Report Date: March 31, 2016

Report from BHW Field Director Following Visit


keen to learnThe BHW Field Director visited in October 2015 but the Director of the Training Centre was not there. However the first course, hairdressing, was underway. The participants were very enthusiastic. As the programme had just commenced, it was decided to wait for a few months before writing the first report. 


Recent Events


The courses in the training facility are now well underway and people have started signing up. Since the beginning the following courses have been run or are operating at the moment: English language, hairdressing, Bible studies, mobile phone maintenance, computing and Beautiful You - a discipleship course for women.

very gratefulHere is an outline of the courses:

Hairdressing - 6 courses so far with 48 students 

English Language - 5 courses with 42 students 

Mobile Phone Maintenance - 2 courses with 13 students 

Bible School - this is still the first course. The course is for 6 months with 3 full days every month. There are 8 students and they will be full time pastors when they finish their studies.

discipleship courseBeautiful You - is a discipleship course for women between 18 and 25 years of age. The first 6 month course is underway, once a week with 18 women in two groups. 

Computer - one course has been completed and the second started a few days ago with 14 students.

In total there are almost 150 people who have or are being trained.  


Personal Stories

Many people have been helped and had their opportunity for employment increased. We are not able to give too many details, but here are two brief encounters:

One of the women who attended a hairdressing course was in constant pain for weeks. After some time she shared that she had kidney stones but didn't know what to do about it. She was assisted to find a good doctor and her problem was dealt with. She was touched by the love and care of people qualifiedshe had only just come to know. Later, because of her financial situation, her daughter was hired to help over the summer holidays. This was a great help to the woman and her family.  

R is a non-Christian woman who was divorced from her husband. She has a little girl. At the end of her course she told the team that she is going to return to her husband because she wanted her girl to be raised in a healthy family atmosphere. They continued to support her and encourage her even after the course had finished. She is very thankful. 


Partnership's Influence within the Community

spiritual aspectLife Training Centre is registered and recognized by the Government Social Work Department and has in it's first year achieved a good reputation throughout the neighbourhood. They admire and are amazed with the high quality of the place. This is not the normal experience of a training institute.  

Those who come feel loved in a place of peace and cared for and welcomed by all the team members. They are not being treated like children and are respected as learners. They are thankful for finding a place like this that is highly equipped with low course fees.


Ideas for the Future

They have the goal of training 200-350 young men and women a year to get skills that will help them to earn their own living and improve their economic standing. In order to do that they need to take on some professional trainers, permanent staff. SB currently overees the programme in a voluntary role and there is one permanent person helping. 

They would love more funds to be able to take on people permanently, this would increase their effectiveness and reach. 


Current Issues and Challenges

new skillThere are a number challenges that have to be faced and dealt with; 

1) They could do with more finances. At the moment there are not many financial supporters and they can only take on trainers who are willing to work for very little. This does impact the number of people they are able to assist to raise their standard of living. 

2) Finding good trainers is an issue, they need to be professional but able to do the spiritual work of befriending, mentoring and counselling if required. 

3) They are learning a lot about the management of a programme like this. It has been a real learning experience but they are growing and are up to the challenge.  


Prayer and Praise Points

qualified1) Everyone involved in the place, staff and students, are very thankful for the facility and the scholarships. It is a dream come true. They could not imagine it could happen and are thankful to God.  
2) They want prayer that the programmes will continue and they would stay on track so they can build good relationships with people and share the Good News with more people. 
3) Pray that more people will get the opportunity to attend the training courses at the centre and that it's influence would grow. 
4) That God would continue to use the place for His glory. 



The programme is well into it's first year of operation and much has been learned from the experience. I met some of those who were in the very first course, hairdressing, back in 2015. They were very enthusiastic and most of them have got jobs now so it is working at that level. 

This is the sort of partnership that is meeting real needs for young people in a part of the world where there are not a lot of jobs available. It gives the ones with this training real advantages when competing for employment positions. I think it is a very worthwhile partnership and worthy of ongoing investment.