Peru, South America

PER01 - Personal support of Godofredo and Teresa Rubio: Partnership Reports

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Report Date: September 23, 2015

Update from Godofredo & Teresa Rubio (July - September)


Recent Events

25 Year Celebrations

joyous timeIn July we celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Centro Bíblico Cajamarca. We held a week of different activities, such as youth services, married couple meetings and a central day where we celebrated with joy and gratefulness our Lord Jesus Christ and the baptism of various believers. 

There was gratitude to God and a recognition of the leadership team of the Centro Bíblico Cajamarca in the celebration of the 25th anniversary. CBC recognised our 25 years of pastoral labour in God’s strength and Tere and I were very emotional, even shedding some tears.  

Godofredo speaking



VI National Congress of Elders

I attended the National Congress of Elders in Puerto Maldonado and I participated in the inauguration of the event with a message.   





encouraging others




On our way to Puerto Maldonado we visited Curahuasi once again, preaching in the church and encouraging the believers. We travelled to Puerto Maldonado with Agustín and Jessica. 


encouraging others




From Curahuasi we passed through Cusco and we also met with the believers there. They are praying that the Lord would enable them to purchase a building for their meetings. 




Visit to the Coastal Churches

having childrens meetingsDuring the first week of September we visited the coastal churches with the purpose of encouraging the leaders of each church and to find out the needs that they have. We encountered many needs in each church because the majority of these churches are recent church plants. Felipe Gutierrez and Jose Duran accompanied me on this trip. 

Quinden - Believers Segundo and Milagros (centre in photo on right) are very encouraged as they start this new work, they have started children's meetings. We have helped them with chorus books and teaching materials for children. 


some big battles

Guadalupe - We met with the pastors and a group of believers, we talked about their biggest battles and we encouraged them to keep persevering. There is a couple who are fulltime workers who have been recently recognised. 35 people meet here. 



great couple

Jairo & Rosa Malimba - Married couple Jairo and Rosa Malimba have been recognised as fulltime workers in Guadalupe. Jairo is also a pastor in a church in Guadelupe and is helping in the formation of a new church in Pacasmayo. 


newly planted church

Pacasmayo - In a newly planted church there are 15 people meeting together. Our visit gave them encouragement to continue evangelising in this place. 



have bought land

El Milagro - This is also a new church where Segundo and Betty are the leaders. We have been able to purchase a piece of land at a very low price and what is needed now is the construction of a building. They have started with the foundations and we hope that soon the walls will be able to be started. 12 people meet here. 


new church plant

Pacanga - This is a church that is a number of years old and we had the opportunity to visit at one stage with Carl Daniel and Richard Pembroke. Pray for the health of the pastor, Juan Tejada who has dialysis four times each day because his kidneys no longer function. 25 people meet here.



reopened now 

Batan Grande - A new church, it was closed for a few months because there was no pastor but thanks to God Juan and Martha are now fulltime there. 15 people meet here.


more established church 

Ucupe - This is a church more than 15 years old. Thanks to God, it is firm and overcoming some trials that they have suffered. Juan Rabanal is the pastor and he is of great help in the area. 




Our visit to these churches on the coast has been really helpful as the majority are new churches and they are experiencing many needs, especially the need for sound doctrine teaching, leadership discipling and support in the construction of local church buildings. Each town is a challenge for missions. 

We ask for your prayers for fulltime workers Jairo and Rosa Malimba in Guadalupe and that their economic means would be enough for providing for their family. 

We would appreciate your prayers for the next visit to the new mountain churches. 

May all be for the glory of God!

Godofredo & Teresa Rubio