Bolivia, South America

BLV05 - Personal support Efrain and Janeth Baldiviezo

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

No Current Donor

Partnership Type:

Training / Education, Evangelism / Church Planting

Funding Size:

$0 - $2,999

Annual Budget:

US$ 1,628

Connected To:

BLV02 , BLV03


Population: 10.0 million

Life Expectancy: 65.4 years

GDP: US$1656 per capita

Unemployed: 6.0%

21.9% earn less than US$2/day

Current Partnership Impact

1 families are being assisted

Partnership Overview

learning new skillsEfrain Baldiviezo was the top student at the Camiri Bible School in 2002, its first year of operation. On graduating he returned to Tarija (a state capital in the south of the country, bordering Argentina) where he took up auto-mechanics. He excelled at this and as soon as he graduated from the technical school he was attending, they hired him as an instructor.  

In 2014, Efrain, along with a couple of other men, established the Camiri Trades Training Institute (BLV03), an auto-mechanics technical school run as part of the Camiri Bible School. The training is primarily for the Bible school students with the vision being to equip Christians to be able to support themselves while serving the Lord in church-planting and evangelising in towns and villages. The Lord put it in Efrain's heart to move to Camiri and take on the role of instructor at the training institute. 

In more recent times, Efrain has also become more involved at the Bible School. He teaches modules on Doctrine, Christian Worldview and has also done Romans, in addition to providing a lot of technical and administration support. He is also responsible for getting everyone up at 6am for personal Bible reading and prayer.  Janeth does the registrations for the Bible school, lends medical aid, and also runs a small store at her house for the student's benefit. 

impacting livesIn the last few years, Efrain's gift for teaching God's Word has been recognized and he now receives increasingly more invitations to speak at Bible conferences, youth camps and special meetings outside of Camiri. He is also an active elder in the Aposento Alto assembly. 

History of Partnership

Bright Hope World has been partnering with the work in Camiri since 2005, initially assisting with the establishment of a dairy farm to financially support the Bible school and also the personal support of one of the key people, Tino Villarroel (BLV02). In 2013 we again became involved in assisting with the establishment of the Trades Training Institute.  

We continue to financially support Tino Villarroel and remain in regular contact with the team at the Bible School and Trades Training Institute. In January 2020 they put a proposal to us to commence providing personal support for Efrain and Janeth and this was commenced in March 2020.  


committed familyThe direct beneficiaries here are Efrain, Janeth and their children but indirectly the students of both the Bible School and Trades Training Institute also benefit.  

What We Like About The Partnership

Efrain has a real passion for young people and a strong desire to not only build them up and encourage them spiritually but also provide them with training to financially support themselves as they seek to serve God. Before moving back to Camiri, Efrain and Janeth were working with a group of young people in their local church, shepherding and discipling them through a difficult situation that was happening in that church. 

He is very committed to both the Bible School and the Trades Training Institute and in fact gave up his job in Tarija and moved to Camiri before the Trade Institute even started - that's how keen he was! 


Key People

Leadership Profile

Efrain is married to Janeth and they have two school age girls (Misiel and Abigail) who are attending Escuela Cristiana Camirena, a Christian school in Camiri. They also have a baby boy. 


Vision And Annual Strategy

The overarching vision of the ministry in Camiri is to:
- see young Bolivians equipped to serve God throughout Bolivia
- and also equip them to be able to support themselves while serving the Lord in towns and villages


Annual Budget

The annual budget here is US$1,628