Egypt, Middle East

EGY01 - Al Hayat Training Centre

Partnership Ref.:




Funding Status:

Fully Funded

Partnership Type:

Training / Education, Humanitarian

Funding Size:

$15,000 - $99,999

Annual Budget:

US$ 33,000


Population: 89 million

Life Expectancy: 70 years

GDP: US$3724 per capita

Unemployed: %

% earn less than US$2/day

Current Partnership Impact

250 families are being assisted

250 people are in vocational or agricultural training

Partnership Overview

difficult to find employmentInternational Needs (IN) Network in Egypt is involved in a number of activities. These include care of refugees and leadership training and development. There are many needs and huge opportunities. Young people have many issues to deal with and in general find it very difficult to gain employment. The Vocational Training Centre will enable them to obtain skills that will give them an advantage when seeking employment. 

An overseas donor helped IN Network purchase and renovate a building which will be used to bring their vision into reality. For some time they have been concerned about the large number of young people who either gain a decent qualification but cannot gain employment or who do not have the resources to gain a good qualification and so end up with little hope of becoming self-sustaining.

History of Partnership

The ministry in Egypt started in 1988 and in 1997 the partnership with IN Network commenced. Since that time IN Network has helped the ministry in Egypt to go forward.

BHW's Executive Chairman met NB a number of years ago and has continued to follow his ministry. In December 2014 BHW's Field Director visited Egypt and spent time with N and S to research opportunities for partnership. At the time of his visit the building was in the process of renovation and the dream was coming together. However, while they had the funds to purchase and renovate, they had no funds or partners available to run the training.

In early 2015 the partnership came up for consideration and it was decided that this would be a good place to start a partnership with NB.


benefit from courseThe beneficiaries are the young people who will be able to develop skills that will give them an advantage when applying for employment. The programme is structured to meet the needs of two types of people:

1) Young people with some tertiary training, certificates, diplomas and degrees. Many of them graduate without much English or computer skills. If they can improve their skills in these two areas it makes them much more attractive to a potential employer. 

2) Young people without a high level of education. There are many young people like this. Their chances of gaining high paying employment is very low and so they face an unknown future full of uncertainty. Courses have been designed to help them set up small businesses for themselves.

Those eligible are from all sectors of society and religions.  

What We Like About The Partnership

The leaders have a great understanding of holistic ministry. They love young people and have put their whole lives on the line. SB has just given up employment as a pharmacist to oversee the development of the skills training programme. 

They have a real passion to see people come to faith and grow in spiritual maturity. 


learning new skillKey People

Leadership Profile

NB is the executive director of IN Network Egypt. He is married to SB. She is a pharmacist but now helps in the ministry as a volunteer and will oversee the project. They have three children. 

NB is a veterinarian and worked as a vet for seven years. He then left his career and has been involved in full time ministry since 1988.    

Other People Involved

I is the manager of the training centre. He is a friendly guy and loves kids. He is married with two of his own but has also been volunteering with IN Network to work with children for many years. He and his wife live in an area where there is a lot of poverty and a lot of children. They chose to live there in a poor community for the sake of the children in that area. Many of them come to regular programmes and I finds himself compelled to serve them.

When a position came up to assist with the vocational training centre I gave up his job working in data entry with another ministry to come and help the administration of the new work. 

learning new skillAs well as loving kids he also loves N and S and jumped at the opportunity to be able to work alongside them. He is currently involved in a lot of the start up and purchasing of materials for the new programmes. He works with S as the administrator of the work. He checks the students in each session, collects money and organises the facility. He’s a friendly, serving, organised guy and the students really like him. 


There are also five people working full time with IN Network in Egypt. Each one of them has many years experience in ministry. There are another three part time workers.

There is a Board of Directors of seven people. The Board meets at least four times a year.   


Vision And Annual Strategy

computer trainingThe vision is to help many young people develop skills to enable them to become self-sustaining and contribute to their family's income. They hope to eventually train 200 young people a year. 

The strategy is to develop a small skills training centre. They have obtained an apartment which has been custom designed and built for the training.

Each course is approximately two months in length. The students pay a small amount to attend. It costs about $150 per student per course.

The courses they provide are:
1) Men and women's hairdressing 
2) Computer and cell phone repair 
3) Refrigerator and air conditioner repair 
4) Computer software training, mainly Microsoft Office
5) English